Friday, May 18, 2012

Hi, I'm Regina

I'm Regina, one of the Funky Fly Ladies. I'm 30 and married with 5 kids.

That's right, FIVE. I tend to talk about them all the time so let me introduce them:
A-11 year old boy
T-9 year old girl
J-6 year old girl
T2-4 year old boy
M-wee baby girl. Seriously.  She was born last month so she's a wee little thing, only 6 weeks old.
Curious-our krazy kitteh. I love that furry sucker.
My little family <3

We live in SC and I'm just a southern girl at heart.  I love cooking for my family. I eat copious amounts of grits, I drink sweet tea. I love bourbon and going to church.

Needless to say, with a family of seven plus a cat, my home is beyond cluttered and I am sick of it.  My biggest cleaning issue is laundry.  I swear my clothes are breeding in the baskets.  Right now, I have 3 full tall baskets of dirty clothes, one full basket of unmatched socks, and several small baskets of clean clothes shoved in my closet because I can't stand to look at them.

I have one goal in mind: I want to be able to have company. I'm tired of living in CHAOS (can't have anyone over syndrome).

Want to know more?  Just ask!

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